The first character I'm going to talk about is Hilary St. George. She was one of (Joanna's mom's) Christina Drayton's employees. When they first met her, Hilary's face said it all. Later she even stopped by the Drayton's house to tell her disapproval of the relationship. Christina quickly fired her on the spot because of her racism even though she herself didn't know where she stood on her daughter's relationship. I laughed really hard when she fired her, Hilary deserved it, "she was acting like a *Le Beep*" as Joanna put it.
The second character I'm going to talk about it Matt Drayton, Joanna's father. He struggled with blessing the marriage when he knew that people would act hurtful towards his daughter. He respected John and had fought for the civil rights of all skin colors. He finds that he wants his daughter to be happy, but he is afraid for her. In the end he decides that if they love each other enough no one can hurt their relationship, and he puts faith in them that they will be alright. The actor that played him, Spencer Tracy, died the same year this movie came out from a sudden heart attack.
Another person I'm going to talk about is Doctor John Prentice Jr. Even though Joanna said that they would get married even if her parents said that they disapproved, John had other ideas. He was such a kind guy that he quietly told the parents that if they did not bless the marriage that he would call it off. He didn't want to offend his love's parents, especially when Joanna was so close to them. He showed them that even though he was a different race, he respected them and their authority.
Another person I'm going talk about is Joanna. She falls in love with John, and is confident in that decision. Even when she knows people are going to be rude about it. She doesn't question if it's really the right choice to marry a black man, and she certainly doesn't think herself above anyone of colored skin. Joanna also is always happy, and made me laugh a ton.
All the characters's view on Joanna's and John's engagement is reflected from what they were taught growing up. The Drayton's taught Joanna that all people were created equal, and people who thought so were wrong. The Drayton's maid Tillie was horrified because she thought John was using Joanna to get above in life. She probably saw people doing this when she was growing up. Mr. Drayton was all for civil rights, but had seen the violence that had taken place because of it and was worried for his daughter.
Joanna (Katharine Houghton, Left) and John (Sidney Poitier, Right) announce their marriage plans to Joanna's parents.

A poster for the movie that is "A love story of today."
John's parents are shocked to find that his fiance is a white girl.
Joanna's parents are still in shock that John is a black man.
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