The adults of the 21st century realize that the internet is the end to any privacy. Young girls used to write in their diaries and get upset when people saw it. Now girls post their secrets on social media and get mad when people don't see them. I don't think the internet is the end of privacy. I don't know, in some ways, it is because we put so much out there. A lot of people are careful though with what info they put on.
Student loans are at a higher rate than ever, causing more people to move in with their parents and save money, as much as they can. The students who move back in with their parents are often criticized.
In the past, if people were into a certain type of music, they would try to dress like the artist. So if someone was into punk, they would try to dress like a punk rocker. Before, you had to go out and get your album from the store and it was costly. A pair of jeans cost a lot, everything was just expensive. Now you can get an entire outfit for $20 or under and buy songs for $1.99 or less. Everything is instant now. Some of the movies and shows that are important to me are Sherlock, Merlin,and Dr. Who. Concerning fashion, I am confident in what I wear, and I wear what I am confident in. Music and books are life. I wish I could listen to music 24/7 and books are fun.
A lot of people's bedrooms often hold things they think are cool or gifts that they received. People are expressing themselves, their likes and dislikes and a bit of their memories. Their bedroom expresses who they are.
Because there is global youth population swelling, everyone wants better education and equality. I think this population swelling could be good and bad. There are more people for the workforce, but then maybe less jobs. Depending on how the economy is doing, there may not be enough school, jobs, and food to go around.
Young adult novels are becoming box office hits because the young people want to feel like a young adult, the prime of your life.
I think my generation is lazy and hungry and when something comes along that someone in our generation is into, we all want to do it. Being "lazy and hungry" is the cool thing to do. We just want to care for our own needs. I do think that we can stand up and be responsible leaders when we put our minds to it, especially when the subject matter is something we care about. I also feel that adults belittle our generation even though we are hard working. My generation goes each day mostly by emotion.

The Hunger Games (September 14th, 2008)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (July 21st 2007)
Social Media FTW
Metroid Prime Hunters (2002)

Portal 2 (2011)

Pokemon Emerald Version (2005)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Finding Nemo 2003 (Above) and Avengers (Below) 2012
Some 21st century fashion
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